Rendezvous Revelation!

An optomistic look at dating for 20-somethings in the LDS community. You're not a lost cause! ...You know, yet.


Planning. It's what survivors do.

Let’s talk about the importance of one of the great 3 P’s mention on May 1, 2005, Elder Dallin H Oaks. Talk, “Dating versus Hanging Out


100% True Example #2: One of the most wacked out dates I went on involved another couple. I can’t exactly say I knew who my date was supposed to be. (A lesson I learned and a story I’ll tell at another time, I’m sure.) It started off an adventure. We drove around for an hour looking unsuccessfully for ice blocks, lamps, and a picnic basket. The KFC bucket we bought was cold by the time we reached the closed playground which wasn’t made better by sitting in the darkness on a windy hill where our drinks would not stand up, forcing us to hold them or balance them against our legs. The other girl and I watched amused as our dates violently bust open with their teeth glowsticks and pour its liquid onto their Hello Kitty kites and jog back and forth trying to make any kind of headway between low-hanging park trees. This date ended at a movie theater an hour early where we had bought tickets for the wrong film, and we ended up in the wrong theater and wrong screening room. Were these guys insane? Or just new to thinking about things BEFORE it happens?

Now, a girl must always have a sense of humor about these things. I thought it was hilarious when, as we were packing up the sorry picnic, I discovered the playground they were looking for was open- just a few yards beyond out field of immediate vision. If you can’t laugh about silly mistakes, no one will want to laugh with you at all.

Turns out they were decent enough guys. The keyword here being ‘enough’. But even a little forethought on their part might have salvaged the date and saved me the trouble of constantly trying to help their disaster march onward.

Not planning shows distain and a lack of respect for the person you are taking out. I felt rather slighted by the idea that these gentlemen hadn’t put any effort into wanting to make in an enjoyable evening for me or the other poor girl I was with. A sensible date can forgive the little things that will inevitably happen, a restaurant will close early, the movie will be sold out, a shoe will break during a long walk. But a sensible date can also identify the difference between accidents and careless indifference.

The next time I climb into a guy’s car and he asks me where I want to go for dinner, I’m getting out.

Happy Rendezvous!

~Miss Casey


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know- i had a guy break up with me, who, later told a friend of ours that he "wanted to go out with a girl, who, when he asked her where she wanted to go , could make a solid decision".

i find that to be crap.

i didn't WANT to choose a restaurant, i didn't WANT to come up with the ideas. that was HIS job.

a job he readily FAILED at.

so Miss Casey- i am in 100% agreement.

~Miss Topolina

February 26, 2010 at 10:32 PM  

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